Plus petite des trois cuves PvTt

Gas flow calibration in air

The COFRAC audit from end of 2023, regarding the scope nr 2-1294, enabled Aérométrologie to position itself at the level of the best reference laboratories on the air flow meter calibration on the range of 1,94 mg.min-1 < qm  < 38,8 g.min-1 This extension of our accreditation has a dual obj...
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Ilac-MRA brand

Aérométrologie has since 19/12/2023 the agreement to use the ILAC MRA brand for all its activities carried out under COFRAC accreditation. Why would we want such an agreement to use the ILAC MRA brand? The answer can be found in this extract from the web site (that ref...
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RDV étalonnage

Aérométrologie can now arrange your calibrations for you

Aérométrologie is restructuring and streamlining its business structure. We are introducing a system that will make it easier to arrange calibrations in the future.   Many of you have expressed a desire for shorter turnaround times for the calibration and checking of your measuring instrument...
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Moving from Vedène to Pernes-Les-Fontaines

Pernes-Les-Fontaines, new site Aérométrologie will move to Pernes-Les-fontaines site. Then, the deliveries to Vedène will not be possible from the 20th December 2019. The Pernes-Les-Fontaines site will open on Thursday 26th December 2019. Address and timing 20th December end of day: closing of Ve...
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Doubled gas flow calibration capacity

Aérométrologie pursued its investment policy intended to reduce the calibration duration and to bring an answer adapted to your needs for services on any gas flow meter. Covered range So, VEDENE sees its COFRAC accreditation n°2-1931 for the gas flowmeter strengthened by this extension which doub...
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Multifunction calibration: our know-how

Specialized in calibration for equipment in physical domains, but not only, Aérométrologie offers services for multifunction devices. Especially relevant, Aérométrologie works in accordance with the ISO/CEI 17025 v 2005 in the perimeter covered by its COFRAC accreditations or in the field of ver...
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Focus on gas flow meter calibration for low flows

Aérométrologie is COFRAC accredited under the nr 2-1294 and nr 2-1931. These accreditations concern the calibration in air for gas flow meter like soap bubble flow meter (Sensidyne Gilibrator, TECORA BUCK, …) or piston technology flow meter (BIOS DryCal, …) or mass flow meter (Bronkhorst, M+W ...
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COFRAC extension in pressure in Vedène

News on Vedène site In pressure The COFRAC just confirmed the extension in pressure under the number 2-1771 in Vedène. This extension in pressure allows now the calibration of manometers / transmitters in Vedène on the following ranges, in parallel to Les Ulis accreditation: Differential pressure...
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COFRAC calibrations for blower doors fan and gauge

Since 2015 and in order to improve our services, Aérométrologie proposes COFRAC calibrations for blower doors fans and manometers. They are used for air building tightness testing, as well as ducts leakage testing. All our services are based on the appliance of the guide FD P50-784 and of the norm...
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Shorter calibration time in anemometry

Since July 2016, Aérométrologie owns two blowers COFRAC accredited. Driven by our will to improve the customer service, we are now able to propose a calibration time reduced in anemometry, as well as an enlargement of the covered air speed. Precision on the calibration time Aérométrologie has a ...
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