Aérométrologie is COFRAC accredited under the nr 2-1294 and nr 2-1931. These accreditations concern the calibration in air for gas flow meter like soap bubble flow meter (Sensidyne Gilibrator, TECORA BUCK, …) or piston technology flow meter (BIOS DryCal, …) or mass flow meter (Bronkhorst, M+W Instruments, OMEGA, TSI, Vögtlin Red-Y, …). (scope is available on www.cofrac.fr)

These gas flow meters are used:

  • as master flow meters in order to test the good working of sampling pumps,
  • as well as reference or indicative values in industry or in laboratories.

The gas flow meter range is often limited to 100 L.min-1, but could also achieve more. This corresponds anyway to our competencies.

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Master flowmeter used with sampling pumps

A first use of master flow meter is to proceed to sample pump calibration. Theses sampling pumps respect the following technical criterion:

  • Flow adjustable (until 50 mL/min, but also 1 L/min or 8 L/min for human breath, even more in chimney sampling),
  • Working without electricity (battery),
  • Sufficient flow stability,

These sampling pumps are implemented for the air quality surveys:

  • Air atmosphere at work,
  • Emissions (canalised or diffused),
  • Interior air,
  • Outside air,

These surveys are conducted in the aim of regulatory controls, air quality controls or following a control after discomfort or complain.

The Cofrac calibration of sampling pumps is only possible when a flow meter is integrated. Unlike biocollectors or air samplers that can be only calibrated non accredited.


Master flow meters used in industry or laboratories

Industries or laboratories can use master flow meters to measure a gas flow:

  • For a chromatography,
  • To control or adjust a dilution (CO2, …) or a dosing of additive components,
  • To master processes based on chemical reactions,
  • To survey compressed air network or biogas emissions during wastewater treatment,

Aérométrologie calibrate with air these flow meters under accreditation. The conversion to other gas will be made with manufacturer tables and the results will appear in a non accredited annex in the certificate.


The calibrations performed by Aérométrologie

Aérométrologie implements:

  • A calibration service under COFRAC certification for gas flow meter like soap bubble flow meter or piston technology flow meter or mass flow meter or sampling pumps with flow meter,
  • A verification non accredited for sampling pumps without flow meter or biocollectors or air samplers,
  • The fluid is air in accordance to our accreditations.

The calibrations are performed on a defined range, in case of piston technology flow meter or mass flow meter, or on multiple ranges in case of soap bubble flow meter delivered with two or three cells. A specificity of soap bubble flow meter calibration is that the calibration is performed with an air saturated with humidity.

Our current calibration time is 10 working days, reduced to 5 working days in case of a date fixed one month before.

A judgment can be delivered based on:

  • manufacturer data,
  • maximum permissible errors,
  • specific tolerances.

Our team will answer you shortly upon request.

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